Inter Organizational Practice Committee

Neuropsychology Toolkit

The IOPC is a super committee of AACN, NAN, D40, and ABN, tasked with coordinating advocacy efforts and improving the practice climate for Neuropsychology. The Healthcare Reform Toolkit is an evolving interactive website designed to educate neuropsychologists about healthcare reform and share effective practice models

Although most Medicare services are covered under Local Coverage Determinations, CMS periodically creates National Coverage Determinations (NCDs).  These are developed to be implemented by all of the MACs. The process is very lengthy, and thus far, neuropsychology services have not been selected to go through the NCD process.

 In 2011, a national model LCD was developed by a joint task force of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology (AACN), the National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN), and the Society for Clinical Neuropsychology (SCN- Division 40 of APA). The purpose of the national model LCD was to create a model that MACs could refer to when their Neuropsychology LCDs go into draft status. Advocating for favorable LCDs is easier when the national Model LCD can be referred to.

National Model LCD

National Model LCD task force:

      Michelle Braun, PhD, ABPP-CN (Chairperson);

      Teresa Deer, PhD
      Paul Kaufmann, JD, PhD, ABPP-CN
      Karen Postal, PhD, ABPP-CN

      David Tupper, PhD, ABPP-CN

      Michael Westerveld, PhD, ABPP-CN

      Karen Wills, PhD, ABPP-CN 
